For the Love of Frills, a Lolita Fashion Blog
This is where share my experience, reviews, and tips as a lolita fashion enthusiast!
MagicalGirlMe Has a Patreon?!
Yes, it is true; I now have a Patreon. There are a few reasons for this that I am excited to share!
A Release for Your Old-School Lolita Nostalgia
Are you a fan of old-school lolita? Have a fond memory of when this style was just, well, lolita fashion? This recent series by Metamorphose is exactly what your heart wished for!
Lolita VS Etsy
Etsy has suspended many lolita shops on their platform, including mine. Is it possible the stigma behind "lolita" has impacted our fashion again?!
2019 Black Friday Shop List
Ah, Black Friday. While we may need to join the crowds for people on our holiday lists, many of our niche shops are online!
Unbelievable! Angelic Pretty's Re-Release is Plus-Size Friendly
Honey Cake? Yes, it's true. This iconic print is being re-released!
Will This Change Impact Lolitas in The United States of America?
Recently, the current presidential administration imposed additional tariffs on the country of China. What does this mean for me and other American Lolitas moving forward?
Crystal Guardians: Fairy Princess vs The Story You Don’t Know
Which one of these stunning series will become a part of my wardrobe?
Farewell Baby, The Stars Shine Bright NYC
On January 31, 2018, Baby, the Stars Shine Bright announced that, after three and a half years, they will close their New York, New York location in March 2018. To say that this news from one of the most famous Japanese name brands in Lolita fashion is a shock to me would be an understatement.
And Now for a Fun and Informative Lolita Wardrobe Survey!
And Now for a Fun and Informative Lolita Wardrobe Survey!
Holy Lantern and Little Devil’s Emblem Comparison
Like many of the popular brand releases, Holy Lantern is one of the more expensive lines on second-hand marketplaces. With the recent addition of Pink-Up's Little Devil's Emblems design, there may be a less expensive, and a customizable, alternative!
Angelic Pretty Re-Release?!
Angelic Pretty is re-releasing Melty Cream Doughnut. This dress is my dream dress. This will be my first brand dress purchase and I couldn’t be happier!