Callista's Signature Lolita Outfit
It's time for another Lolita Blog Challenge! This week, I will be diving into my signature lolita outfit. My favorite dress of all time is Melty Cream Doughnut by Angelic Pretty. It can be easily surmised that my signature Lolita coordinate would involve this particular jumperskirt.
While some of the aspects of my signature coordinate change, this particular jumperskirt never changes. This dress is perfect for me for so many reasons! I have a terrible weakness for anything sweet, particularly doughnuts and baked goods. This print is too adorable for words. This jumperskirt fits my personality very well!
Dolly Pearl Headbow
Now that I have my darling Dolly Pearl Headbow from Angelic Pretty, it is a perfect addition to my doughnut coordinate! The soft silk the bow is constructed of is the exact same hue as the lace on my Melty Cream Doughnut jumperskirt. This headbow contains glass pearl beads, which are also featured in the dress print!
Lady Heart Quilting Bag
Another new edition to my signature coordinate is my Lady Heart Quilting Bag in pink by Angelic Pretty. The heart shape is a fantastic way to incorporate the heart shaped sprinkles in the Melty Cream Doughnut print and the shade of pink is an exact match to the Dolly Pearl Headbow and the lace on the dress! The glass pearl beads, bow and golden branded charm help to tie in the headbow and additionally bring out these particular features of the illustrations in the dress print.
Bodyline Shoes
These shoes from Bodyline are one of my all-time favorites! The soft brown of the shoes matches the delicious chocolate frosting well. Most of the baked treats in my Melty Cream Doughnut print have this detail. The gentle off-white details on the shoes compliment the frosting and overall sweetness of the print, too!
A Spoonful of Sugar
This is a decoden necklace I created for my Melty Cream Doughnut jumperskirt. The print features many sweet illustrations. I incorporated the pearls in the print in the golden and pink pearl chain. The cutlery that is present in the print is represented by the golden spoon. To add in the confectionery celebration, I used vanilla decoden frosting to encase the base of the spoon. I added a heart shaped sprinkle, a swirl of strawberry chocolate, and a chocolate bar to the base to capture the essence of the print. Lastly, the rhinestone, also in the print, adds a bit of sparkle to the necklace.
+ interchangeable brand and handmade jewelry!
I am certain my signature coord will be featured multiple times on this fashion blog. What is your signature Lolita coordinate? I would love to see your look!