Who Inspires You?
I look up to so many people in this fashion. If I listed them all, it would be quite an extensive list! It takes a great amount of courage to wear this fashion. I admire anyone who wears their frills proudly.
Who Inspires You?
There are a lot of Lolitas that give me inspiration. One of my favorite Lolitas is Agness, also known as bowsbeforeboyss. I love her coordinates! There is always a form of sassiness to Agness' expressions, too which I admire greatly.
Who's style do you love?
I love this Lolita's style! Not only does this Sweet Lolita have a great sense of color, but she has a fantastic balance of her accessories! Due to this balance, the coordinates do not feel over-the-top!
Another common element to this Lolita's coordinates is her large hair! I love the way that she teases her wigs to achieve height and multiple hairstyles. The large hairstyles are a fantastic place for lots of hair accessories. Each complete lolita coordinate that Agness makes has a fun and stylish element to it. It is always refreshing to see someone who adds unconventional items to an outfit too.
What do you admire most about this person?
I admire that this Lolita has fun with her coordinates! Also, there is always a fantastic element of confidence in her photos. Agness is very photogenic. She inspires me to be more confident in photos!
Where can we follow them?
Who do you admire in this community? I would love to read your answers!