An Amino Lolita Questionnaire
1. How did you first get into Lolita?
I happened to be researching cosplay costumes at the time. While I was looking up CLAMP costumes, I stumbled across lolita style clothes. Truthfully, I was completely captivated by the lovely frills, bows, and, silhouette of this feminine fashion style. I could not believe such a beautiful fashion style was being worn as an everyday fashion! I collected every English edition of the Gothic & Lolita Bible I could get my hands on. I researched the fashion dutifully online. The entire time, I daydreamed about the day I would finally wear such gorgeous and pretty clothes. It was a desire I had to pursue!
2. Do you have a favorite Lolita style?
Yes! I am especially fond of the Sweet Lolita. I also enjoy adore Classic Sweet Lolita and Hime Lolita.
3. What if I told you that you are my Lolita inspiration?
Wait, what?! I would feel extremely humble and would continue to blush uncontrollably for days!
4. Baby, the Stars Shine Bright or Alice and the Pirates?
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright. I just adore many styles and designs that Baby, the Stars Shine Bright creates. While I do like Alice and the Pirates, I tend to be more selective with the styles or colorways that I prefer. Baby, the Stars Shine Bright's designs are absolutely perfect for a Sweet Lolita-like me!
5. Do you have any lolita meets you plan on attending?
No, there are no meetups in the works currently. Sadly, my local community has seen some change and unrest. We had three lolita leaders in our local community. One of them moved to California, and the other two left the fashion completely. Since then, no one has picked up the torch and rekindle the community. Thankfully, the rest of us have come together and we should have new meetups shortly!
6. How many petticoats do you have?
Just one from Classical Puppets, but I do have plans to purchase an additional one soon.
7. Was your first lucky pack lucky or unlucky?
I have never purchased a lucky pack. I would be happy to purchase one if they make one in my size!
8. What color were your first pair of tea parties?
My first pair of tea parties were white. I purchased a custom pair from ClobbaOnline. This pair of tea party shoes did not last long at all. The glue had not finished curing, and thus the bottom of the shoe separated completely. Thankfully, I have some additional tea parties that are better constructed!
9. Did you wear lolita today?
Sadly, no. My occupation does not allow for me to wear lolita and I get home too late to change.
10. What brand is your most comfortable JSK from?
My Letters to my Dear lolita Jumperskirt by Precious Clove. You cannot beat a custom size piece!
11. Could you go without lolita for the rest of your life?
No. Even if I cease to wear Lolita fashion myself, I will still draw, dream, and dress my dolls in lolita.
12. Do you prefer wigs, hair extensions or your natural hair?
I prefer wigs. They are easy to maintain and I am able to change my hair to match any coordinate!
13. OTKs or Knee Highs?
OTKs for sure! They always seem to look better with my coordinates more than thigh highs.
14. Do you still own your first lolita piece?
Yes, and no? I had a terrible "lolita" dress as my first piece from eBay. At the time I became introduced to lolita fashion, there were extremely limited options for plus size ladies. The impostor lolita dress piece I purchased has been disposed of. I do, however, still own my first actual lolita piece. It is l348 from Bodyline. I own it in the pink colorway and it is still a great addition to my lolita wardrobe.
15. Do you currently have a dream dress?
Now that I have my first dream dress, my current desire is Melty Berry Princess by Angelic Pretty.
16. Have you gotten a dream dress and been disappointed?
I suppose so, in a sense. I recently purchased my dream dress, Melty Cream Doughnut JSK from Angelic Pretty. The replica that I had purchases a few years back fits better than the original dress.
17. To what extent has lolita entered your life?
To say lolita fashion has had a low impact on my life would be an understatement. Lolita has permeated every aspect of my life, and all for the better. Many of my preexisting hobbies or pastimes are now peppered with lolita influences. My artwork commonly features Lolitas, while my other sketches feature apparel or jewelry designs that compliment lolita fashion. Many of the characters, worlds, and stories I create feature elements of lolita fashion, or the characters are Lolitas. In addition to these influences, I maintain, create and dream up new creations and designs for my lolita indie brand. It is a great way to express my love of fashion and accessorize other lolita fans as well! I love that lolita fashion has touched me in so many important and unique ways.
18. How many days a week do you wear lolita?
I attempt to wear lolita fashion at least once a week, but often times I am unable to accomplish this.
19. Did your last kiss take place while wearing lolita?
No, it did not thankfully.
20. Do you have a favorite print or series?
Yes, of course! My absolute favorite series and print is Melty Cream Doughnut by Angelic Pretty.
21. Where is your favorite place to buy off-brand items?
It depends on what it is that I am looking to purchase. If I am interested in purchasing apparel, I would most likely purchase the item from Taobao. If I am interested in a unique lolita accessory, it would most likely be found on Etsy. I try to make any small lolita accessories or jewelry pieces that I need for coordinates myself. Not only does it minimize cost, but the creation allows me to express myself creatively. I also love the ability to make jewelry and accessories for my friends as well!
22. Bonnets or Head bows?
Both! I own mostly head bows, but I adore bonnets. I have not tried one myself, but I absolutely love them on other people. I am worried a bonnet would look too juvenile on me, but I would like to try it.
23. Have you been to the Baby, the Stars Shine Bright in Paris?
Sadly, no. I have never been to a Baby, the Stars Shine Bright physical store of any kind.
24. From which brand do you own the most items?
It is a tie. I have just as many items from Baby, the Stars Shine Bright as I do for Maxicimam.
25. How does your family react to lolita?
It honestly mixed, but mostly supportive. My mother ping-pongs between thinking lolita is strange and thinking it is wondrous. She has made me some lolita apparel pieces and she has purchased some lolita items for me, which is greatly appreciated. My brother was under the delusion lolita was a fetish related fashion such as Age-Play. Thankfully, his position on this has passed and he understands it is just a pretty fashion. He is all for doing your own thing. My father is just utterly fascinated by lolita fashion. He is always asking interesting questions and seems to like the coordinates I wear. Personally, I think he likes lolita so much because it is modest and princess like. No matter what I will always be his little girl. My partner is extremely supportive of lolita fashion!
26. Kuro or Shiro?
Ooo, this is a difficult question. I would love to do Shiro Lolita. Shiro Lolita looks so glorious and lovely, like a style an angel would wear. I dress my doll Hitomi in this style often, but I am not certain I would be able to pull it off. Kuro would most likely be the safer bet to my accident-prone self.
27. Look in your closet. Name the first lolita item you see.
Would you part with it?
My Melty Cream Doughnut Jumperskirt in the pink colorway? Not on your life.
27. Look in your closet. Name the first lolita item you see. Would you part with it?
My Melty Cream Doughnut Jumperskirt in the pink colorway? Not on your life.
28. What is the last item you bought from a sales comm?
That would be my s538 Bodyline shoes in pink. I purchased them from a Facebook sales community.
29. Do you own anything from an indie brand?
Yes, of course! Many of my lolita fashion pieces are from indie brands.
30. Do you create anything related to lolita?
Yes! I create many different lolita items. Some of the pieces I create include necklaces, bracelets, rings, brooches, earrings, crowns all of which can be worn with Lolita fashion. I have also made Lolita pieces and accessories for my doll as well. I am looking forward to making even more items!
31. Has lolita helped or hindered your love life?
Honestly, both. Initially lolita has hindered my love life because potential partners, mainly men, did not want me to wear lolita fashion out in the real world. Obviously, this did not go over well, and I ended the relationships almost as quickly as they started. When I found my partner, I had just begun to start wearing lolita and I steadily wore the fashion more and more. My darling has been extremely supportive of the fashion and continues to be supportive. I am so glad that I waited to find her!
32. Falsies or mascara?
Falsies, if I am able to successfully wear them in addition to my glasses. Contacts would come in handy. Since I require glasses for now, I typically use mascara. Perhaps I will experiment someday.
33. Do you have a color preference when it comes to lolita?
Yes! I have a particular weakness for pink. I am especially fond of a pink that features a warm hue.
34. How do you cope with negative views about lolita?
I do this in a variety of ways. Basically, I try to listen to the individual's reasoning behind why they believe lolita a negative fashion. This helps me to understand what incorrect assumptions that they hold. Once I have finished listening, usually, people are prepared to listen to my side. They may not agree, or believe my position, but at least they respect my opinion as a woman who wears lolita.
35. Do you have a favorite brand?
Yes, Angelic Pretty. I love virtually everything that Angelic Pretty's designers dream up and create.
36. Do you enjoy or are you annoyed with the
attention that lolita brings from onlookers?
Eh, it is mixed. When people are genuinely interested in the fashion, or greet me with positive attention, I do not mind acknowledging it in the slightest. Admittedly, it is rather difficult to carry out everyday errands or outings with the attention. Due to this, I would ultimately prefer it if everyone would treat my lovely clothes as just that. They are, after all, a collection of beautiful clothes.
37. Cotton blouses or Cutsews?
This is an easy one. I prefer cotton blouses 100%. I love the feel, style and structure of a blouse.
38. Lolita is a beautiful thing, isn't it?
Yes, it really is. Every article of a coordinate is stunning. Also, in my experience, I have come to find that lolita fashion creates such strong and lovely individuals.
39. Is there a time where you absolutely won't wear lolita?
I would not wear lolita to important life events, such as a funeral or a best friend's wedding.
40. What is on your wrists right now?
A few handmade rings and my Alex and Ani bracelet bangles.
41. Have you ever worn lolita in Japan?
No. I have, unfortunately, never been to Japan. I have been dying to go since my middle school days! I could not image anything better than going to Japan and shopping in Harajuku for the latest designs!
42. Ops or JSKs?
I prefer jumperskirts. While an one-piece is nice, I have more versatility with a jumperskirt.
43. Have you ever regretted buying lolita?
No, never! The only "lolita" I have ever regretted buying was imitation lolita. That dress doesn't count.
44. What is the silliest thing you have ever done in lolita?
A Destination Haunt meet-up. Twenty of us tromped around the dark forest, in full Lolita coordinates and many in brand, for an hour and a half while costumed clowns and ghouls attempted to frighten us in Halloween glee. It worked.
45. Gothic or Bittersweet?
I love both, but ultimately I would have to vote for Bittersweet. I just love black and pastel prints!
46. Does Lolita make you genuinely happy?
Yes! Lolita makes me ecstatically happy!
47. OTT or Simple?
It truly depends on the event for me. I love simple Lolita styles for everyday wear, but over-the-top Lolita is especially fun for special events. I adore the excuse to dress up!
48. Have you ever had a bad experience due to Lolita?
Yes. I had an unfortunate incident where a grown man was videotaping me without my permission while I dined at a restaurant with my sweetheart. It was extremely unnerving experience. I have no doubt that the incident would not have happened if I were in traditional street clothes.
49. Have you ever submitted a secret?
No, never. If I did submit a secret it would be a positive one!
And there you have it! I would love to read your answers if you do this quiz, too!