2018 Lolita New Year Resolutions
I can scarcely believe that it is almost the end of 2017. It feels as if I had recently that I had made my goals for the upcoming 2017 season and wow, I sure gave myself a ton of goals to accomplish!
In this blog post, I will review my intended goals for this past 2017 and create my 2018 new year resolutions. Without further ado, let's get started!
My 2017 Goals included:
a Lolita winter coat
a pair of Lolita winter boots
an additional blouse
an additional bag
a new Jumperskirt
Wardrobe Expansion - Fail
Wow, I really set some pretty high expectations for myself! I can honestly say that I accomplished only three of the five components of this goal. I did add a coat, another blouse, and two jumperskirts to my lolita wardrobe, but I was not able to add any of the large winter components. Thankfully, I still have plenty of time to do so! After all, the winter weather is just getting started in New England.
Keep A Fallen Star™ - Pass
Keep A Fallen Star was my little hobby business. Once I got the website up and running, I quickly realized that it was silly to have a separate business identity. So, while I have retired Keep A Fallen Star, you can find all of my handmade items in the shop housed here right on magicalgirlme! I can safely say that I accomplished this particular goal.
Lolita Fashion Blog - Pass
For my lolita fashion blog, I wanted to maintain my 52-week streak and I delivered! I am so proud that I add even more valuable content to my blog. This goal was a well-deserved pass!
I have given my next goals quite a bit of attention. A new year is a brand-new opportunity to challenge me and to try something new. Only time will tell if I am able to accomplish my aims!
2018 Goals
Wardrobe Expansion
Since lolita fashion is a fashion, it only makes sense that I would need to expand my current collection to some capacity. While I would love to have a fashion wardrobe like Misako Aoki's, I can accomplish a similar wardrobe by adding items gradually. It just takes one piece at a time!
I intent to add:
2 Lolita Blouses, 1 Jumperskirt, 1 Lolita Bag, 1 Set of Winter Boots, 1 Lolita Coat
I hope to accomplish this goal for sure! Now that my local lolita community is up and running once more, I now have multiple chances to wear and show off my lolita coordinates. This also means that I need a complete set of clothes to choose from! I hope that I can accomplish this goal in 2018.
Maintain My Content
I wanted to film an unboxing video of a recent Jumperskirt purchase. This single video unexpectedly turned into a lolita YouTube channel! Shooting, editing, and planning videos have become its own beautiful challenge. I have learned so much already and have yet even more to learn. My goal for 2018 is to maintain this channel by posting a video once a month. At the end of the year, I would love to see how far I have come and assessed what I can improve on in the coming year. 12 videos to go!
For the love of frills, Blog
Of course, I intend to maintain my blog posts in addition to my YouTube channel. I cannot believe how far this little blog has come, or how far my own fashion has evolved. Recently, I have learned how helpful these posts have been to new Lolitas and even a few seasoned ones. This knowledge makes me incredibly happy! I am happy that others find that this online content is a helpful resource.
Take More Photos
I have taken a few more photos than I usually do, but I am notorious for not doing so. I never make time to take a quick outfit shot. I enjoy the ability to see how far my lolita coordinates have come! Not only that, but it has been very nice to have the option to add my own images to my blog posts.
In the upcoming year, I would like to take at least twenty lolita coordinate photos. If I could sneak a lolita fashion photo shoot in as well, that would be a fantastic addition to this particular aspiration!
What are your 2018 Lolita aspirations? Where you able to make some of your 2017 goals? I would love to read your answers! I wish you the best in your 2018 Lolita goal and aspirations checklist.