Review: A Dream Print Is Here! Kuma Kumya's Marine Island Skirt
Baby, The Stars Shine Bright is one of my favorite brands. When I learned that their 2018 release Kuma Kumya's Marine Island was plus-size friendly - I was hooked. Not only did the print feature some of my favorite mascots, but it is an underwater theme! I couldn't pass up mermaids.
I had to have something form this release! After weeks of searching, I was lucky to find the skirt! I cannot wait to share this purchase with you!
It began on Lace Market...
Thanks to my handy Google Alerts, I was notified that the skirt had been listed on Lace Market. Originally I had been looking for the JSK II, but the alert perked my interest. I couldn't find the measurements anywhere!
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright had removed the skirt details. Thankfully, the seller was kind enough to measure the skirt for me! Once I got them, it was an instant purchase.
64-134cm waist
55cm length (52 skirt + 3 lace trim)
This adorable skirt features:
Removable waist ties, elastic waist band, Usakumya, Kuma Kumya, fish, glams, bubbles, pearls, a palace, ribbons, sparkles, turtles, mermaids, seahorses, jewels, and fabric glitter!
This print is beyond adorable! I love all of the details. Like most pieces, the skirt is more stunning in person. The statement piece features Usakumya and Kuma Kumya seated on a cram throne. They look so cute together! The bubbles and sparkles featured on the entire print can be easily seen here.
Above the mascots you can see all sorts of adorable sea critters! There are different species of fish, turtles, Usakumya mermaids and squids, Kuma Kumya seahorses, and jellyfish. They are swimming with pearls, ribbons, stars, and sparkles. The fabric glitter can be seen easily on this part of the skirt.
There are also surprise underwater castles in the print! This must be kingdom the mascots rule over.
The bottom of the print is of the sea floor. There are shells, starfish, coral, ribbons, sparkles, shell critters, and the brand name encrusted with jewels on the seafloor. There are so many coord options!
The lace on the bottom of the skirt is a bit plain, however it does not distract from the print. The lace is soft to the touch but sturdy to maintain its shape and withstand washes. It's a great length, too!
Rating: 10 / 10
This skirt is fantastic and well worth the price! The print is vibrant, flawless, and features multiple adorable illustrations! With all of the undersea animals and details there are TONS of great options for a lolita coordinate. Due to the elastic this skirt can accommodate a wide range of waist sizes. I would highly recommend this skirt and others from Baby, The Stars Shine Bright!