Why Haven’t I Purchased This Yet?
There are so many options when it comes to lolita fashion! With the dresses, blouses, bows, hats, boleros, petticoats, wig, hair clips and jewelry options, it is almost too easy to add new items to a lolita wardrobe! The issue is not what to add, it is when. Sometimes the things we have wanted the longest give way to other priorities. The item I have wanted the longest has still not been purchased!
What item would that be you ask? I'll tell you!
It's not a dress, or a skirt...
The lolita fashion item that I have wanted for the longest is the Ribbon Heart Bag by Baby, the Stars Shine Bright. This is an item that has existed for many of the years that I have been interested in lolita fashion. This bag, to me, is a timeless addition to a lolita wardrobe. It's a simple heart shape, laced edges, ribbon and elegantly sculpted handles give me such a wave of cute coordinate inspiration and nostalgia.
Why haven't I purchased this piece yet?
There isn't an excuse for not buying this piece aside from one thing: wardrobe expansion. In my desire to build my wardrobe with all the necessary lolita essentials, I have delayed adding this item to my collection. I still need a few more essentials. These include petticoats, blouses, skirts, dresses, and basic bags before I add another adorable, shaped purse to my collection. Thankfully, it does not appear that this popular and iconic bag will be discontinued anytime soon!
What Lolita item have you neglected to add to your collection? I would love to know your answers!